jueves, mayo 9, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste will have four new hospitals in four states: Pedro Zenteno

#InstitutoDeSeguridadYServiciosSocialesDeLosTrabajadoresDelEstado.- The Issste will have four new hospitals located in Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca and Tabasco, in addition to a Consultorio de Atención Familiar (CAF) in the Islas Marías, which will be part of the integral tourism project of the Mexican Government, informed the General Director, Pedro Zenteno Santaella.

He pointed out that «Issste is making progress in the expansion and renovation of its infrastructure to provide medical services to 13.6 million beneficiaries, with facilities that function at 100 percent, because there is no point in delivering buildings without equipment».

We have a comprehensive approach. On the one hand, we are equipping the medical units and, on the other, we are promoting a preventive culture at the first level of care that will allow us to channel resources to other areas, with the aim of increasing their capacity to deal with chronic degenerative diseases that affect the population, he pointed out.


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